The path does not have to be walked alone…

Am I Really Doing This?

I imagine at one time or another we have all said or at least thought this.  I know I have; when I got married, and then divorced, when I had my first child, and then my second, when I decided to go to University full time in my mid thirties with 2 children and a part time job, when I started a new career, or a new job, went on an adventure way outside my comfort zone and even putting myself out there with this blog.

We all take risks and these risks have varying degrees to them depending on so many things; beliefs, what needs drive us, how we make decisions, and so much more.  I have lots I want to talk about and I am hoping you will join me here every week to read stories, get inspired, cry or laugh whatever you need to get to that next step, get through the day or get yourself to sleep.  I am by no means here to coach or tell anyone what to do I am creating a space where I can be a conduit to inform people through stories, odd bits of information and experiences of everyday travels.  My hope is that by sharing we can get more curious about who we are and who we want to be.  I chose the statement “am I really doing this” as I feel it’s a great way to keep the accountability and responsibility on the individual and it’s a wonderful place to start.  If you think back to the last time you thought or asked that, did it work out?  If so great, I love celebrations!   Where did you go from there, where did the momentum take you and if it didn’t work out, why? I find that it’s only when I do that self reflection that I am able to understand my needs, drivers and behaviours.

It will not always be my stories, I hope to have guest story- tellers here of various folks I have been blessed to have had an experience with.  I am also hoping my readers will share as well. We all learn or connect differently and no one size fits all in that department either!! Hopefully what you find shared here will inspirit (yes that is a word) you in some way.  I know for me I want to grow into a better mother, daughter, sister, friend, peer, and co-worker. I read somewhere that by lifting myself up with personal growth, it lifts up the collective.  I have had my share of lonely days and nights having been single now on and off for more than 14 years.  I have done some work on my mindset to get to a place where I now have taken a big chunk of the lonely out of being alone and love myself a whole lot more.  I guess once you are out of the well, your human instinct is to go back down and help others out.  Lets get curious and support  each other together…

I am truly honoured and blessed that you found your way here and I hope you check out the weekly blogs or any of the archived stories found on the menu and from my mess you find a message and get inspired!


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